Vancouverites Share Dating Deal Breakers That Only Locals Will Understand & They're So Real

"She's a 10 but wants to line up at Jam Cafe."

Couple on a bench in Vancouver.

Couple on a bench in Vancouver.

The people of Vancouver Reddit are calling out all of the red flags that would make a budding relationship come to a halt — no matter how perfect it was otherwise.

The classic question was posed: "They are a 10 but..." and Vancouver locals were left to answer, West Coast-style. Everything from SkyTrain etiquette to neighbourhood pronunciations was roasted.

You'll want to take some notes because these things might turn some people away, big time.

Know your pronunciations

Classic Vancouver debates were brought to the surface. "They're a 10 but call it Uncle Faiths instead of Uncle Fatih's," one person wrote.

Let's be honest — we've all made that mistake once or twice... right?

Location pronunciations were also a hot topic.

from vancouver

The brunch lineup at Jam Cafe has probably caused break-ups

What's a Sunday stroll without getting a glimpse of the painfully long lineup outside of Jame Cafe?


Jam Cafe is a must go when you’re in Vancouver! Everything is always delicious 😍 #jamcafe #vancouverfood #vancouverfoodie #couplegoals #dateideas #relationshipgoals

Dare you try to wait it out? One person on Reddit said it was a hard-no for them.

from vancouver

The SkyTrain has its own set of rules

Picture this: You're on a first date and everything is going great, but as you walk towards the SkyTrain they do something unforgivable...

from vancouver

Or even worse...

from vancouver

At what point do you pretend not to know them?

from vancouver

Public transit etiquette extended to buses too.

from vancouver

Driving in the city is a whole other thing

There are the classic road rules — and then there are Vancouver road rules.

from vancouver

Anyone who was in the city this winter feels this one so hard.

from vancouver

There's also some unique obstacles in the city.

from vancouver

If you know, you know.

"Leave no trace" is hot

Out for a hike? Follow the cardinal rule and LEAVE NO TRACE.

from vancouver

Don't confuse Vancouver for Toronto

Get one thing clear – these cities like to be different.

from vancouver

If you're from Ontario, you might want to chill it on the weird brags.

from vancouver

Happy dating!
