5 types of people you're almost guaranteed to meet while dating in Vancouver

A local's survival guide. 😬

Woman dressed in black attire poses inside a car. Right: A nighttime view of Granville Street in Vancouver, featuring the illuminated signs of the Vogue and Orpheum theatres.

Influencer poses for a girl's night out Right: The Granville Strip at night in Vancouver.

Dating in any city can be pretty savage, but you know the city's a particularly hot mess when there's a local Facebook group called "Are we dating the same guy in Vancouver?"

Of course, not all men are scumbags and not all women are angels. Like any metropolitan city, there are all kinds of potential suitors in Vancouver that you might meet online or in person.

For today, call me Carrie Bradshaw as I share with you everything I know about the kinds of people you'll meet dating in and around Vancouver, as a native Vancouverite who has seen almost everything there is to see here.

Godspeed, daters!

The local "working" actor

Vancouver is the filming location of hundreds of CW shows that are pretending it's somewhere else. This is no shade; it's just a testament to how versatile our city is. Go Vancouver!

As a result, the city has a lot of local working actors roaming the streets of Gastown, just waiting to be discovered—maybe by you?

Now, actors aren't my type. I tried my hand once and realized I am not built for helping to shoot self-tapes at midnight. After 77 takes for a three-line "guest star" role (what even is that?), I needed a nap, a snack, and maybe a bit of therapy.

That being said, there is something dangerous about a man who may get a big break and his very own trailer. It's kind of hot to exchange flirty texts while he's "on set." Let's get real: we all thought Cole Sprouse was going to fall in love with us during Riverdale season one, right?

So if you're into thespians or The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, here's my only advice if you want to date a local actor.

🔥 Hot Tip 🔥: Get on Raya

If you haven't heard of it, Raya is the dating app with a waitlist. The "celebrity" dating app has a serious screening process for its potential members, and to join Raya, you have to be approved.

The dating app is targeted towards influencers and B-list celebrities. In its early years, Raya was super exclusive and saw the likes and swipes of models like Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevigne. Now, almost a decade later, Raya has widened their range. A high follower account or an IMDB page should do the trick.

If that doesn't work and you're still waiting for your acceptance letter, try getting on the IATSE waitlist or hang out in Gastown near the Deb Podowski acting studio.

The Yaletown baddie

First off—this undertaking is not for the faint of heart.

These ladies did not come to play. They dropped $80 on their Armani Luminous Silk Foundation, $180 on their Yaletown Nail Spa acrylics, and I don't even want to know how much on their Louboutins.

The Yaletown baddie is one of my favourite Vancouver girlies out there. She's independent, dresses to the 9s on a Tuesday, and knows exactly what she needs out of her man. Only those with a high net worth and a good credit score need apply.

As the name may suggest, if this is the kind of girl you are looking for, you will find her in Yaletown. Perhaps at Parlour with her girls on a Saturday night or at 12 West waving bottles. You can catch her at Urban Fare on a weekday, stocking up on her greens.

🔥 Hot Tip 🔥: If you don't nail the first date, it will be your last date

Time is money, and the Yaletown baddie isn't here to lose on her investment. This girl isn't interested in day dates and will never let you "take her swimming". Maybe down the line, when you've got a Coal Harbour view and a wiener dog, she'll take you up on a hike, but until then, it's Lagree West for her and a quadruple-digit dinner date for you.

My advice? Let her be in her natural habitat. Pick a gorgeous, vibey restaurant. Afterwards, walk to a cocktail bar. Those cobblestone streets are her runway, and she has mastered that bumpy catwalk. If the spots are not on Homer, Hamilton, or Mainland, trust me, she's not interested.

The tech bro who's into martial arts

This guy isn't just working in tech—he's shaping the future. Or, at least, that's what his LinkedIn bio says.

You don't even need a dating app when it comes to the crypto papis. These suitors are easy to spot. When he's not practising jiu-jitsu, aka "the chess of martial arts", he's casually dropping phrases like "scalable solutions" and "crypto potential."

If he's wearing a North Face puffer vest, he's probably your guy. The best way to flirt is to listen to an Andrew Huberman podcast and pick up some buzzwords.

🔥 Hot Tip 🔥 : Be prepared to hear about blockchain—like, a lot

If you're dating a tech bro, get ready for conversations filled with jargon you might not completely understand (or care to).But, hey, at least he's got a stable job, probably great health insurance, and maybe even some stock options.

If you're willing to endure his Ted Talk-style rants on innovation, you might just find yourself able to afford organic groceries.

The Wellness Guru (aka The Soul Cycle instructor)

Vancouver is arguably the wellness capital of Canada, and if you haven't met a wellness guru yet, you haven't truly dated in this city. This person is deep into their wellness journey, whether through yoga, meditation, holistic diets, or some combination of all three. They're probably sporting Lululemon or Athleta and religiously visiting local spots like Juice Truck or Turf.

🔥 Hot Tip 🔥: Respect the routines

These people are passionate about their wellness regimens, so if you want to impress, you must be open to adopting healthier habits yourself.

Your wellness guru might invite you to a yoga class, a silent retreat, or a "breathwork circle" on a weekend. If you're more of a couch potato, you might struggle to keep up with their commitment to self-care. But, listen, at least they'll always have suggestions for the best green smoothie in the city.

The guy holding a fish in his dating profile

This is the most common man you will see out in the wild—literally. This adventure nerd loves the outdoors and isn't afraid to show it.

If waking up overlooking the gorgeous expanse of Garibaldi Lake sounds like your dream Sunday morning—get on Hinge because, trust me when I say, there are several versions out there of this man waiting for you.

🔥 Hot Tip 🔥: Be a go-getter or get going

Chances are this guy is not local, but that could be a good thing. When you're not from a city, it can either make you extremely clueless or extremely curious. In my experience, mountain men are always up on the best things to do...because they actually do them.

That being said, you should probably be the kind of person that goes on the 6 a.m. run instead of just saying you will for the dopamine hit and then hitting the snooze button (guilty).

Pack layers, and don't be afraid to get a little muddy. If you're not into the outdoorsy lifestyle, this guy might just inspire you to embrace it—or at least get you a decent profile picture for your own dating apps.

Good luck out there, daters. You're going to need it.
