Quebec Family Allowance payments go out soon — Here's how much $ you can receive

You could be eligible for thousands of dollars.

​The exterior of a Quebec government building with the Quebec flag.

The exterior of a Quebec government building with the Quebec flag.


As July approaches, Quebec residents should prepare to receive several government benefits and credits, including the Quebec Family Allowance measure.

Considering the rising cost of living, many Quebec residents, particularly low-income families, are looking for ways to combat inflation in Canada, whether by working more hours, taking on additional jobs or depending on financial aid from federal and provincial programs.

It's best to verify your eligibility for the Family Allowance in Quebec as you could be entitled to thousands of dollars this year, depending on the number of children and whether you're a single-parent household.

Here's everything you need to know about the upcoming Family Allowance payment:

What is the Family Allowance measure? 

The Family Allowance payment offers financial support to families with dependent children under 18 living with them, with automatic enrollment for births in Québec, per Revenu Quebec. However, in various other scenarios such as adoption, immigration, or custody changes, individuals may need to apply.

More about the Family Allowance in Quebec

Who is eligible for the Quebec Family Allowance?

Per Revenu Quebec, to be eligible for the Family Allowance, you or your spouse must be responsible for the care and education of a child under the age of 18, and the child must live or have lived with you when temporarily institutionalized by a health and social services establishment.

Additionally, you or your spouse must reside in Québec according to the Québec Taxation Act and have one of the following statuses: Canadian citizen, permanent resident, temporary resident living in Canada for at least 18 months, or protected person.

More about Family Allowance eligibility

How much can you receive from Family Allowance?

According to Revenue Quebec, Family Allowance payment amounts depend on several factors and can vary from one family to another.

The amount is indexed each year in January and then recalculated in July based on the following:

  • the number of dependent children under age 18 who live with the beneficiary
  • the number of children in shared custody
  • the conjugal situation (with or without a spouse)
  • family income, that is, the combined income of both spouses, if applicable. To find out the amount you could receive in 2024, consult the table below. You can also estimate the amounts to which you could be entitled using the CalculAide tool.

The maximum amount you can receive for each child in 2024 is $2,923 (with an additional $1,026 if you're a single-parent family). The minimum amount you can receive from Family Allowance for each child is $1,163 (with an additional $409 if you're a single-parent family).

More about Family Allowance payment amounts

When do Family Allowance payments go out?

The Family Allowance measure in Quebec is paid in four instalments throughout the year. The next payment will be sent out on July 2, 2024.

Following the July payment, there will only be one more Family Allowance payment sent out, which will take place in October.

More about Quebec Family Allowance payment dates
