6 IKEA Plants To Make Your Apartment Feel Like A Jungle That Cost Less Than $15

And they are all hard to kill.

A plant jungle indoors.

A plant jungle indoors.

Plants. People like to be surrounded by them, even when they are in an IKEA. Why? Probably because they miss being outdoors or because they live in a small city apartment and having a lot of greenery helps maintain the illusion that they have a backyard.

But, they can get pricey. Anyone who has ever strolled through IKEA's plant section can tell you some of them go for a pretty penny, and others are sold for dirt cheap. Those are the ones we will be going after today.

Not the ones that have seen better days mind you, but the ones that will elevate your place without breaking the bank.

In fact, we can budget out quite the indoor jungle for you using IKEA products. All you have to do is keep scrolling, and see which of these surprisingly cheap forms of life are right for you.

Sansevieria Trifasciata

An IKEA snake plant.

An IKEA snake plant.


Price: $9.99

Details: This plant's the equivalent of a superhero in the Verdant universe. How come? It laughs in the face of neglect. Want a fuss-free friend? Look no further than the Sansevieria Trifasciata, also known as the "snake plant." No gardening knowledge is required.


  • A snug 15 centimetres (6 inches) in diameter.
  • Stretches up to a cool 35.5 centimetres (14 inches).

Reviews: "Got this beautiful plant for my living room it’s growing so fast," wrote one user.

"Best plant to keep indoors for fresh air generation," added another.

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Pachira Aquatica

A healthy money tree.

A healthy money tree.


Price: $12.99

Details: This plant more commonly known as a "money tree" recently had its price reduced on IKEA's website, which is kind of ironic when you think about it.

How do you keep it thriving? Imagine what you know about plants, do that. Seriously, though, it needs to be watered, occasionally, and it needs to be near the sun. That's all you have to worry about.


  • A cozy pot with a roomy 13 centimetres (that's 5 inches) diameter.
  • Space to stretch and flaunt up to 35.5 centimetres (or 14 inches).

Reviews: "Bought a larger one from IKEA quite a few years ago. It’s been doing so well and looks beautiful so I thought I’d get a smaller one as well. It’s doing great," wrote one reviewer.

"My plant has grown since I purchased it. I did report it to give the roots more room and it's doing very well," added another.

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A gang of succulents.

A gang of succulents.


Price: $4.99

Details: Succulents hail from those "I forgot to bring my water bottle and now I'm dead" kind of spots around the globe. It's a survivor. the sort of low-maintenance buddy you want in your life — especially in your 9-to-5 grind spot

Word to the wise? It's a bit of a nervous nelly when it comes to switching pots. So, tread lightly on that front.


  • The diameter of the pot is about 10 centimetres. (4 inches)
  • The height of the plant is about 20 centimetres. (7 inches)

Reviews: "Good quality and price. Bought them for my daughters baby shower. Everyone loved them," reads one review.

"What can I say. It’s a healthy and happy little plant that cost less than a cup of coffee," reads another.

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Dracaena Marginata

A dragon tree.

A dragon tree.


Price: $3.99

Details: Think of this plant as that friend who always insists on one drink and no more; it's a tad sensitive when it comes to over-watering. Drown it in love, but not in H2O – too much agua messes with its oxygen vibes.

Measurements: This beauty fits snugly in a pot 10.5 centimetres (4 ¼ inches) across and stands tall at 35 centimetres (13 ¾ inches).

Reviews: "I love the plants at IKEA. They’re well kept and healthy and at very reasonable prices," wrote one user.

"It fits on my table nicely," added another.

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A potted cactus.

A potted cactus.


Price: $13.99

Details: Look at this spikey son of a gun from Mexico. It’s a relaxed grower, not in any rush to tower over its mates. Super chill on the care front; all you need to remember is a splash of fertilizer monthly, which granted, could be a deal breaker for some.

But, IKEA's already done most of the dirty work, planting it in the soil, so you don't even have to think about repotting for a year.

Every so often, wipe off the dust so it can bask in all its glory. And while it loves a bright indoor spot, remember it's not too keen on the cold — keep it above 12 degrees.

It’s all prickles too, so maybe pop on some gloves before handling.


  • Diameter: 12.5 centimetres (5 or so inches)
  • Height: 13 centimetres (5 or so inches)

Reviews: This baby is either brand new or underrated, no reviews yet.

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Aloe Vera

An Aloe Vera plant looking very soothing.

An Aloe Vera plant looking very soothing.


Price: $4.99

Details: This plant is "immortal." With a dash of love, it could outlive your favourite sofa - we’re talking a potential of over a century here. For real.

Hailing from South Africa, this easy-going greenie is a slow-poke in the growth department.

Think it's dead? Nope, it's just in "dormant mode"; let it wake up on its own time. Just give its leaves a dusting now.

Measurements? This one is full of surprises when it comes to that, so be prepared for a space filler.

Reviews: "Great price very healthy, growing like crazy," wrote one reviewer.

"Lovely little aloe plant. when we got it the soil was quite dry but that’s an easy fixing. easy to take care of for beginners," added another.

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Well, there you have it, enough plants to build a small jungle with. And, even if you're the world's worst gardener, keeping these plants alive and well should be just a bit easier for you.
